Senior Software Engineer at TUSAS

Ankara Turkey Turkish Fighter-X Project Previous: Team Lead of Application Development at Ronesans Holding View More Education: Gazi University View More

Personal Details

  • Birthday: 1988 October 5
  • Marital: Married
  • Nationality: Turkish

About Me

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec sed odio dui.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt nulla tortor, a imperdiet enim tristique nec. Nulla lobortis leo eget metus dapibus sodales. Sed placerat vitae dui vitae vehicula. Quisque in tincidunt ligula, nec dignissim arcu. Praesent aliquam velit vel libero dictum, non sollicitudin lectus mollis. Morbi sollicitudin auctor gravida. Vivamus vitae dui non lorem euismod pretium. Morbi congue sem sed ex iaculis, nec mattis felis pretium. Nullam molestie libero id odio blandit sodales. Suspendisse non mauris et felis molestie placerat aliquet a risus. Aliquam ac leo tempus, hendrerit eros mollis, gravida est.

Proin euismod ipsum a tellus condimentum dapibus. Integer porttitor felis elit, eget rutrum ligula commodo quis. Praesent ultricies neque eu mi congue blandit. Nulla feugiat feugiat aliquet. Morbi sed mattis erat. Nullam scelerisque molestie eros, id tristique felis iaculis non. Duis pellentesque neque eget iaculis varius. Donec at nisl semper, aliquam est id, tincidunt lacus. Donec at erat purus.

Morbi tincidunt nunc non diam porta, at fermentum orci bibendum. Donec arcu nisi, ornare nec commodo vitae, sollicitudin sed magna. Cras sit amet justo et nulla pulvinar laoreet. Phasellus scelerisque, metus id posuere vulputate, diam tellus iaculis sapien, eget scelerisque ipsum libero convallis velit. Duis lorem ligula, faucibus quis tellus nec, fringilla ultricies leo. Etiam tempus congue magna. Suspendisse porta dictum tortor, eu volutpat ipsum eleifend nec. Aliquam dapibus lorem luctus, cursus libero imperdiet, mattis nunc. Sed in ipsum diam. Quisque efficitur metus purus, vitae fermentum lacus venenatis id.

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From Sep 2018 To Present

(3 Years 6 Months)

TUSAS Ankara Turkey

Senior Software Engineer

Creating and managing software and simulation architecture for Operational Analysis infrastructures.

  • HAVKS: Operational Analysis Data Recording System is a big data application in which every step of the analysis scenario run in constructive and virtual simulation environments is recorded. It is an application where data is stored on ElasticSearch and rest services are created using NodeJs and ExpressJs.
  • HAVA: It is a web application where friendly and foe analysis assets are archived and managed. Developed with ASP.Net Core MVC. It has been developed using multi-layered architecture with Entity Framework Core Orm, Jquery, Metronic Admin Template.
  • Osiloskop: It is a business intelligence tool that enables data discovery and data visualization of Operations Analysis data, which can be created with dynamic tables and graphs and panels. Real-time data can also be monitored simultaneously with SignalR. Developed with ASP.Net Core MVC. It has been developed using multi-layered architecture with Entity Framework Core Orm, Jquery, Metronic Admin Template.
  • LethalityRater: It is a web-based analysis application that analyzes the effectiveness of the platform and ammunition on targets. Backend of the application offers Restful services developed with ASP.NET Core, frontend developed with ReactJs.
  • DCOY: It is an application that allows the simulation steps recorded in HAVKS to be played back on a 2D / 3D map. It was developed using the NodeJS and CesiumJS Geographic Information System library.
  • Panels:Panels have been developed for the generic fighter cockpit using Unity 2D for the Virtual Simulation environment.
From May 2016 To Sep 2018

(2 Years 6 Months)

Ronesans Holding Ankara Turkey

Team Lead of Application Development

Coordinating developers, resources and business processes for software development and upgrading existing software. Developing a framework for the software development team. Designing and developing in-house software projects.

  • ADF (Application Development Framework): An application development framework has been developed that enables a common infrastructure to be used in in-house applications.
  • LegalIT: It is a web application where the legal, financial and administrative information of the companies under the holding is managed and archived and documents are kept in OpenText.
  • Budget Cash Flow Application: It has been developed to monitor the budget, contract, terms and progress processes of company projects and report them to senior management.
  • Logistics Portal: It is a web application that enables field, head office and supplier companies to work together in project logistics.
  • Regulation Tracking System: It is a hybrid application that works on web and windows developed with Devexpress express application framework for the approval process and announcement of Company Regulations.
  • Integrated Procurement Application:It is a web application integrated with SAP used by internal and external companies for central and construction site purchases.
  • Contract Management System: It is a web application that enables the creation, follow-up, archiving and approval of the contracts prepared by Holding Companies.
From April 2014 To May 2016

(2 Years 2 Months)

Çalık Enerji Ankara, Turkey

Senior Software Engineer

Creating the project architecture. Determination of server needs, management of installation processes. Agile methods. Designing and developing in-house software projects.

  • Corporate Web Page: Çalık Enerji Corporate Website was developed with Sharepoint ( https://www.calikenerji.com ) .
  • Purchase Request Application: Project-based distribution of material requests filed from construction sites and field offices, transferring them to the Purchasing process in integration with SAP, reporting, and call tracking application as a performance output to the project control office.
  • Intranet Web Page: It has been developed to monitor the budget, contract, terms and progress processes of company projects and report them to senior management.
  • Logistics Portal: It is a web application that enables field, head office and supplier companies to work together in project logistics.
  • Regulation Tracking System: It is a hybrid application that works on web and windows developed with Devexpress express application framework for the approval process and announcement of Company Regulations.
  • Integrated Procurement Application:It is a web application integrated with SAP used by internal and external companies for central and construction site purchases.
  • Contract Management System: It is a web application that enables the creation, follow-up, archiving and approval of the contracts prepared by Holding Companies.
From June 2012 To Nov 2013

(1 Year 6 Months)

Always Fashion Istanbul, Turkey

Senior Software Engineer

Development of e-commerce software, server management and management of distribution processes.

  • Alwaysfashion.com: The development of Turkey's first luxury online shopping site I worked as fullstack.
  • Hatemoglu.com: I worked as a fullstack developer in the development of the e-commerce site of the Hatemoğlu Brand.
  • Bisse.com: I worked as a fullstack developer in the development of the Bisse Brand's e-commerce site.
  • SabriOzel.com: I worked as a fullstack developer in the development of the e-commerce site of Sabri Ozel Brand.
From June 2012 To Nov 2013

(1 Year 6 Months)

TTNET Istanbul, Turkey

Software Engineer

Development of e-commerce software, server management and management of distribution processes.

  • Alwaysfashion.com: The development of Turkey's first luxury online shopping site I worked as fullstack.
  • Hatemoglu.com: I worked as a fullstack developer in the development of the e-commerce site of the Hatemoğlu Brand.
  • Bisse.com: I worked as a fullstack developer in the development of the Bisse Brand's e-commerce site.
  • SabriOzel.com: I worked as a fullstack developer in the development of the e-commerce site of Sabri Ozel Brand.


Skills & Language

Start Up


  • EnglishEnglish: Advanced
  • TurkishTurkish: Native